Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Still alive!

Boa tarde! Tudo bem? Espero que todas de voces estao bem e feliz!

So good news I can speak portuguese and mais ou menos understand creole! I don't even know how it happened but the gift of tongues is real and the Lord has blessed me so much with the language. I really do think it is strange because when I came here 3 months ago I distinctly remember not to being able to understanding a thing! Haha it is good that the language isn't my biggest worry anymore because there are so many other things to worry about!

I think that is the biggest difference with training/being the senior comp: responsibility. And lots of it! It is good because I am learning a lot but also it is definetly not easy. Sister Brock is awesome though so that helps a ton! We are doing work here in Sal branch 2. Ronisse was baptized on Saturday and she was so happy! Our area is pretty big, well compared to Assomada and Sao Filipe. Yesterday before church we walked all the way out to Alta Santa Cruz which is 30 minutes away out in the desert and is literally just little shanty huts. And realized how much of a twit I am and forgot my name tag! HOW EMBARRASSING! We then practically RAN back to the house and then to the church and got in right at ten o´clock! I was so grateful that the room where we have sacrament has air conditioning because I was sweating just a little bit....

Also it is weird that it is mid october. And I am wearing sun block. And still getting sunburned. And my watch tan line is pretty spectacular. Other piece of good news- fresh tuna here is only 500 escudos a kilo. We are having cru tomorrow!

This week we had zone conference and it was amazing just like all of them are. Sister Benedict, Gretchen´s friend, gave a training about how commandments are how God shows His love for us and when we are obedient we show our love for God. It was so good we are so lucky to have the Benedict's with us here in Sal. The picture is super blurry but those are all the sisters from the island of Sal and Boa Vista!

Haha so about my arm ... I went to the hospital. But if Grandpa saw it he probably wouldn't call it a hospital at all really. It wasn't bad it is just not quite like the hospitals I knew and love back home. Well anywho I went because the bruise was still big and my arm was kind of yellow ish after over a week. So they prescribed an antibiotic, anti-inflamatory and some sort of cream to help with the bruise. So I have been doing that for a couple days and it is good! Almost all better!

All the construction is Grandma´s kitchen sure sounds like fun I am sad I am missing out! And I loved that it was crazy about the thunder I can't believe it shook the house and dished fell. Haha Mom! I hope you want to do a lot of weddings when I get back ... because I brag to all the sisters about your awesome flowers and they are all asking if you will do their weddings! :) I haven't gotten any packages yet ... but I still have hope! Hmm I will think of somethings and let you know next week! Thank you so so so much!

Mom thank you so much for doing the blog. I know that if anything ever happens to my journal or my camera I will still have the blog! The one hour we get every week to email is always so wonderful. I love hearing from everyone and getting pictures and knowing that normal life is still happening! Even though I am on this tiny little flat sandy island that is far away, I feel my love for you guys growing more and more. I am so blessed. And christmas is soon so we will talk on the phone in just over two months!
Eu amo voces mais que voces podem imaginar!!
-Sister Turner
 Ronisse was baptized on Saturday
All the Sisters from the island of Sal and Boa Vista!
 Almost all better! (haha, mom says not!)
Beautiful sunset

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