Monday, February 24, 2014

Boa tarde na segunda-feira 24 de fevereiro

Today the weather is like early September, a little warmer but then in the shade a little chill. I like it. 

Thank you for the emails and pictures this week I loved them! It really is great to hear how everyone is doing and know what you guys are up to! (Thank you thank you thank you for the lower lights music!!!) I can't believe Kayan could  probably be born this week, that is so crazy! I am praying a ton that everything will go well. Little Ryan was already born and Kayan is almost here, that is two more great grandchildren ... which means I am for sure calling mee maw GREAT grandma when I get home! Hahaha! Oh yeah and will you tell grandpa that the water goes out in our house several times a week so I have been getting good use out of the straw filter he gave me. :) All the family history you guys are doing for family home evening sounds awesome. I am so happy that you guys are finding names and getting work done! The work of Salvation is not just for the living it is for the dead too and you guys are doing your part! Also the stake goal sound like they are helping a lot, 10,000 ordinances sounds like so much but then I remember the tons of members in Utah and the temples in almost every city and then I know that the Eagle Mountain East stake can do it!

Let me give the low down on the photos of the week real quick-
a hubcap in Praia,

when we found a veil in our apartment and put it on Sister Barros when she tried to go to sleep,

delicious maria bolacha ice cream,

Sister Veira (name is really Vieira her nametage is just wrong) and I with our investigator Dudu,

Me with the twins who were baptisms of Sister Alvarado and sister Barros,. they are so cute!


Recently I have been trying to be studying the Book of Mormon even more and it has been a really great experience. This week we had a really good lessons with the Book of Mormon. In our lesson with Graciette we asked her to read the second paragraph in the introduction. Well she read the whole introductoin and after asked if there was more! Haha yeah there are 500 pages more! But she was really interested in learning more about the Book of Mormon and I am excited for our next lesson with her. Also we taught Lusia about the Book of Mormon. (Lusia is from Guinea Bissau and like so many of my investigators from africa is so kind and sincere in her belief in God.) After reading the paragraph where the prophet Joseph Smith Jr. declares “I told the brethren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book.” All she said was 'eu preciso deste livro'. Which means 'I need this book' it was a really neat moment and made me think about how all of us really NEED the Book of Mormon. We can read and study and apply the principles that are in it and really we will draw closer to our Heavenly Father. I love the Book of Mormon it is such a blessing to us.

Well that is about all for now. Yep. I hope everyone is doing great! We are doing well here, we have our struggles for sure but the important thing is to focus on what we can learn and improve on through our struggles. I love the mission. I love you guys!!!!

com meu amor!
Sister p. m. Turner


hahaha sorry about the cheesy email subject but I just had to make a Bon Jovi plug.

Yep on Saturday (15th) I hit my 9 month mark. CRAZY. I still donºt really believe it that time is going by so fast. I am so looking forward to the next 9 months of my mission. I am sure they are going to be just as good if not better than the first 9! I still have lots to learn, tons of people to meet, and more growth to do, I just hope 9 months will be enough time to do it all! I have been reflecting this week on the first half fo my mission. Even through all the craziness, the ups and downs and just everything the overlying theme I realized was blessings. The Lord has blessed and strengthened and guided me so much through this experience thus far. I have gained a greater testimony of the restored gospel, and that is something irreplaceable. I have to give Him credit for everything really! Yeah pretty much the mission is just amazing.

Mom are you getting better?? I hope so! What exactly was wrong at first, was it an allergic reaction of some kind? I will keep praying! Oh yeah and those arrangements looked awesome. :)
I am so glad that Tasia and Ryan are doing well! Can you send me a pic??

Valentines night after we planned we made crepes and they were delicious because of the nutella i got in my package. sooo good.

That random place is right next to our investigators house. I like to call it little farm country. Please try and count the 7 1/2 baby goats in the picture. ;)

Sorry this isn´t very much this week. But our week was good! We had some neat experiences being led by the spirit to find new investigators and I am excited to keep teaching them.

Also this week Sister Llano went home! We are going to miss our filipina so much. She really was such a good trainer and friend to me my whole mission. Cabo Verde just wonºt be the same without her! But she has a 10 year visa to america so hopefully she will be able to visit america one day and you guys could meet her!
That is so awesome about Noelle!! I was pumped when I saw that picture! Tell her I saw congrats!

Here is a picture of our zone from last transfer, I forgot to send it!

Well that was a super scatter brained email... next week will be better!

Okay I hope everyone is well and I love you all and I hope my letters will get to you guys! Maybe it is the ice storms that are stopping them...?

Sister Turner

Monday, February 10, 2014

Zone Conference and a good week!

First things first-

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!! I hope you have a great day AND are feeling better AND can feel my love I am sending your way AND remember how grateful I am for you and the wonderful example you are to me and all those around you AND I love you Rockstar! :)

Thanks everyone for the birthday emails! My birthday was Tuesday when we had zone conference and it was so great! The conference was seriously probably the best of my mission so far. The Spirit was so strong. I was just sitting there baling the majority of the time ... and afterwards that song "its my birthday and i'll cry if i want to" came to my head hahaha! But they were good tears, dont worry. :) I left the conference feeling so fortified! Also the senior couple sisters made me and sis. Llano birthday cake, they are so sweet.

There is a couple in our ward named Mama and Eugenio and they had their 40 annivarsary this week. We gave mama the idea to throw a surpise for Eugenio, and it worked! Haha eugenio totally forgot the day of so he was super surprised. They are an awesome couple in our ward and just got sealed in the temple in august of 2013.

Two quick things before I tell you about an awesome lesson we had this week.

-we went on the bus today (only cost 44 escudos which is like 50 cents mais ou menos) to platuea (a fancy part of praia) to buy some fish and we passed by this pharmacy. I don't know if I will be buying anything from there ...

-we made sis. Llano lunch today for her birthday, also because she only has one week left. :( We are so sad she is going but on the upside it gave us reason to make kru. *so good!, I love myself* hahaha also this is my fork. No one uses it but me.

Okay enough silliness. I want to tell you guys about Veronica. One night a couple weeks ago we were walking with elders to our investigators baptismal interview. Some one was up the hill yelling to us "sisters! sisters!" and telling us to go up there. We yelled that we would after because we were already running late and we couldn't even tell who the person was. You have to understand, so many people and kids will yell out to us to say hi and so it wasn't abnormal. Anywho after the interview we passed by again and no one was there. Me and Sister Valenzuela almost just kept going because we had another appointment. But something (the Spirit obviously) told me we needed to walk up there. So we go and she is in the house still and we start talking to her. And it was great- she says "eu quero frequentar vossa igreja" which means "I want to go to your church". YES. So we marked with her and started teaching her. It has been a few weeks now and she went to church the first time this week! On Saturday night she came and met us at the church (her house doesn't have light/electricity) so we could teach her. We taught about the Sacrament and the lesson went well. At the end we invited her to pray again to ask if the church is true. Haha then listen to what the power of the Spirit is- she said "I already prayed and I already got my answer. And I feel like I am ready to be baptized." YES YES YES!!! Oh man seriously miracles. We still have more things to teach her but she should be baptized in a few weeks.

My testimony is simple- this truly is the Lord's work. Like in Alma 26:12, I really am nothing. It is the Lord that is working all these miracles in the lives of His children and I just have the blessed opportunity to witness it.

I love you all so much and truly am blessed through your support and prayers!

Just one more time mom- Happy Birthday! Parabens! Feliz Anivasario! Love you!

-Sister Turner

Monday, February 3, 2014

Almost old ... tomorrow!

Bom dia!

MOM What is happening to your eyes & face?!?!?! Oh my goodness they are not looking okay :/ I'm so sorry. I hope they get better as soon as possible, I will be praying extra!

This week was a little weird and had some changes but it had many good things also.

For starters- I got my package! I LOVED IT!! So Mom, Grandma and everyone who contributed to it THANKS!!! Oh man everything in there was perfect!! And you guys PACKED that box! I was just like what?? there is more stuff in here?!? I loved all the clothes and the treats and the journal and the photos and really just everything was perfect. Thank you guys so much!! I loved it. :) I couldn't watch the video you sent because of the computer but I will eventually!
Then after we ate some fruit snacks (soooo good) my Chilean Sister Valenzuela was transferred to Sal. sad. But she is an awesome missionary and I know she is really going to help the branch there.
Now I am sister training leader in Praia and I am companions with Sister Veira (the little cabo verdiana in the picture). She is a mini missionary (mission of only a few months) and is really cool. I first met here when I served in the ward in Assomada and now we are comps! Haha she wanted me to tell you guys she wants to go to our house when she visits america.
This weekend our stake conference was a broadcast for Spain, Portugal and Cabo Verde! Elder Ballard spoke and some other general authorities also, it was way sweet! The messages were really centered on families and on missionary work so it was all filled with the spirit and great.

I went to a leadership conference this week and it was an awesome experience. We made plans and goals for our zone and got to hear trainings from President Oliveira. The Spirit was so strong and I am so grateful that the Lord's work is led by inspired leaders like him. I am so blessed to be here. And in just in general we are so blessed as the people of The Lord. The Lord loves me as He does all of His children.

I hope you get better mom and things get sorted out & fixed with the damage to house ! I am praying for you guys!

Sister Turner

p.s. I sent last weeks baptism photos.
p.s.s. -Mom- when is Annie & Kades due again? mid or late february? I hope she and the baby are doing well!